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Audacity Development

Some Audacity Changes:
my_audacity_changes.rar for version 1.3.4 beta.
I've written a new spectrum display mode with a logarithmic frequency axis (in this mode a chromatic scale appears as a straight line),
integrated the log sweep option of the tone generator into the dialog (which is very useful to measure frequency responses),
wrote a convolution effect (for usage with DRC),
and improved the long effects menu list so that one can use one level of directories instead of a flat list.

A debug version of my changed version of Audacity is here: audacity-1.3.4-windows-debug.rar

A Release build of the CVS version of Audacity is here (3.Dec.2007):

A patch for Audacity to make it compile with Visual Studio Express 2010 is here: audacity_patch_2011-11-19.diff .
It worked pretty well with VS 2010 after a few hours of configuring, as you can see here:
In the Audacity window you can see two chromatic scales that I played on my acoustic guitar without filtering, in FindNotes mode of Audacity. It does the job of recognizing a solo instrument pretty good so far.

A new patch for Audacity where I have refactored TrackArtist, first part (without making wxPanels out of the elements yet), is here: audacity_patch_2011-11-22.diff .

Here is a nice little video of my Samsung Galaxy S3 Audacity Audio Recording under Ubuntu 12.10 with Xfce.