aUCBLogo Demos and Tests / woven_patterns_t
to woven_patterns_t
[These patterns are made by starting with a list of numbers, of length "modulus",
generated by random selections from the numbers: 1, 2, ....modulus. To this list is
appended its reverse (gives additional symmetry) e.g. [3 2 1 2 2 1 2 3]. These numbers are the lengths of
segments. A segment is plotted, but the next segment is then plotted at a given angle, x(say).
When the list is exhausted, the process is repeated with the same list until closure is
is obtained. The plot either returns to its starting point or proceeds in a line (to infinity).
x is calculated from values of the variables: polygon, modulus, ang_factor and mod_factor.
polygon_n: integer values 3..8 determines the overall symmetry of the pattern.
modulus: the length of the initial list.
mod_factor: determines how many repetitions of the plotted list there are.
ang_factor: more interesting results are found by using 2 angles in turn. If the
first is x, the second is ang_factor*x. This variable governs the finer details
of a plot.
p_size: pen size
magnification: maximum value fixed to keep the plot within the screen boundaries
The larger the values of polygon_n and modulus the more complicated the design. I suggest
polygon_n = 5, modulus = 6, ang_factor = 200 and mod_factor = 73 as a start.
Press shuffle&go repeatedly. This shuffles the modulus list.
setUpdateGraph false
(ss 0.8)
vars_list = read_file "vars_file.txt
if empty? vars_list[vars_list = [5 85 28 8 6 2 [7 4 6 7 4 3 7 5]]]
factor = (item 1 vars_list )/100
multiplier = item 2 vars_list
dilation = (item 3 vars_list)*10
modulus = item 4 vars_list
polygon1 = item 5 vars_list
p_size =item 6 vars_list
shuff = item 7 vars_list
my_f=frame [][my_window] wxcaption+wxresize_border+wxclose_box+wxsystem_menu [10 70][200 470]
FrameSetClientSize my_f 200 470
bshuffle = (Button my_f [shuffle&&go][go_shuffle updategraph] wxbu_left [5 0][60 20])
bweave = (Button my_f [&weave][weave updategraph ] wxbu_left [5 25][60 20])
bgo = (Button my_f[&go][go updategraph] wxbu_left [5 50][60 20])
bnew_list = (Button my_f [new_list][new_list] wxbu_left [90 0][60 20])
sfactor = (Slider my_f [ang_factor] 0 1 1000 [factor = SliderValue/100 go updategraph] wxsl_horizontal+wxsl_labels [5 80] [150 60])
; SliderSetLineSize sfactor 1
; SliderSetPageSize sfactor 25
WindowOnMouseWheel sfactor
[ tmp=Int (SliderValue sfactor)+MouseZ/120
SliderSetValue sfactor tmp
factor = tmp/100 go updategraph
smultiplier = (Slider my_f [mod_factor] 1 36 100 [multiplier = SliderValue go updategraph]wxsl_horizontal+wxsl_labels [5 140] [150 60])
sdilation = (Slider my_f [magnification] 10 29 29 [dilation = SliderValue*10 go updategraph]wxsl_horizontal+wxsl_labels [5 200] [150 60])
smodulus = (Slider my_f [modulus] 4 6 8 [modulus = SliderValue new_list go updategraph]wxsl_horizontal+wxsl_labels [5 260] [150 60])
spolygon = (Slider my_f [polygon_n] 3 5 7 [polygon1 = SliderValue new_list go updategraph]wxsl_horizontal+wxsl_labels [5 320] [150 60])
sp_size = (Slider my_f [p_size] 2 2 5 [p_size = SliderValue go updategraph]wxsl_horizontal+wxsl_labels [5 380] [150 60])
bexit = (Button my_f [save&&exit][file_vars "vars_file.txt framedestroy my_f] wxbu_left [5 440][60 20])
bsavepic = (Button my_f [save_pict][save_pict ] wxbu_left [130 440][60 20])
(foreach (list sfactor smultiplier sdilation smodulus spolygon sp_size) butlast vars_list [SliderSetValue ?1 ?2])
to save_pict
savepic (word "weave "_ factor*100 "_ multiplier "_ modulus "_ polygon1 "_ list_to_word shuff)
to list_to_word list#
if empty? list#[op " ]
op word first list# list_to_word bf list#
to read_file v_file
local "d_list
if not File? v_file [output []]
openread v_file
setreader v_file
d_list = readlist
close v_file
setreader []
op d_list
to file_vars v_file
openwrite v_file
setwriter v_file
pr (list factor*100 multiplier dilation/10 modulus polygon1 p_size shuff)
close v_file
setwriter []
to extend :n :list#
if :n==0[op[]]
op se :list# extend :n-1 :list#
to if_factor
if (remainder multiplier modulus) == 0
[multiplier = multiplier +signum (multiplier-mult)
SliderSetValue smultiplier multiplier
if_factor stop
if (remainder multiplier polygon1) == 0
[multiplier = multiplier +signum (multiplier-mult)
SliderSetValue smultiplier multiplier
to go
mult = multiplier
local "ang0
make "ang0 :multiplier*360/((1+:factor)*:modulus*:polygon1)
make "ang_list list :ang0 :factor*:ang0
make "len_ang_list count :ang_list
local [f_list p polygon_list p_list]
make "f_list extend :polygon1 se :shuff reverse :shuff
make "p [] make "polygon_list []
ht pu home
setpc 1 setpensize list 1 0
make "start_pos pos
make "p_list fput :start_pos plot :f_list
centre_plot :p_list ;DETERMINES C.OF G.
;setpos centre
;make "start_pos pos
p_list = map [?+centre]p_list
centre_plot p_list pu
make "seg_list p_list*size_corr
plot1 :seg_list
to centre_plot :p_list
local[len p 2nd 1st ]
make "len count :p_list
make "p first :p_list
make "1st first :p
make "2nd last :p
make "xmin :1st
make "xmax :1st
make "ymin :2nd
make "ymax :2nd
h_centre_plot :p_list
to h_centre_plot :p_list
if empty? :p_list
[size_corr = dilation/ifelse ymax==0[0.1][ymax]
centre = list 0-(:xmin+:xmax)/2 0-(:ymin+:ymax)/2
local[1st x y] make "1st first :p_list
make "x first :1st make "y last :1st
if :xmin>:x[make "xmin :x]
if :xmax<:x[make "xmax :x]
if :ymin>:y[make "ymin :y]
if :ymax<:y[make "ymax :y]
h_centre_plot bf :p_list
to go_shuffle
;if not :mult==multiplier[make "mult multiplier new_list] ;
shuff = my_shuffle :shuff
show :shuff
to h_make_pf :el :list# :k1 :k2 :p_list :flag
if empty? bf :p_list[ stop]
if empty? :list# [h_make_pf first :p_list bf bf :p_list :k1 + 1 :k1 + 3 bf :p_list 1 stop]
local "soln make "soln solve :el first :list#
(if not empty? :soln
[local[1st 2nd]
make "1st first :soln make "2nd last :soln
(if and (and 0<:1st :1st<1) (and 0<:2nd :2nd<1)
[make "pf_list subst :1st :k1 :pf_list
make "pf_list subst :2nd :k2 :pf_list
h_make_pf :el bf :list# :k1 :k2 + 1 :p_list 1
to h_sort :el :list#
if empty? :list#[op (list :el)]
if :el<first :list#[op fput :el :list#]
op fput first :list# h_sort :el bf :list#
to h_weave :ci :pf_list
if empty? :pf_list[stop]
local[1st p f p1 p2]
make "1st first :pf_list
make "p first :1st make "f last :1st
make "p1 first :p make "p2 last :p
if not empty? :f[make "ci 1-:ci]
if :ci==0[h_weave 0 bf :pf_list]
segment :p1 :p2
if :ci==1[h_weave 1 bf :pf_list stop]
to make_initial_pf_pr_list :list#
if empty? :list#[op []]
op fput list first :list# [] make_initial_pf_pr_list bf :list#
to make_p_pr_list :list#
if empty? bf :list#[op[]]
op fput list first :list# first bf :list# make_p_pr_list bf :list#
to make_pf_pr_list :p_pr_list
local "pf_list
make "pf_list make_initial_pf_pr_list :p_pr_list ;GENERATED BY PLOT AND TRIMMED
h_make_pf first :p_pr_list bf bf :p_pr_list 1 3 bf :p_pr_list 0
op :pf_list
to modify_item :f_list
if empty? bf :f_list[op[]]
local[f1 f2 fm]
make "f1 first :f_list
make "f2 first bf :f_list
make "fm (:f1 + :f2) / 2
op fput ( :p1*(1 - :fm) + :p2*:fm ) modify_item bf :f_list
to modify_pf_list :pf_list
if empty? :pf_list [op[]]
local[1st p_list f_list p1 p2]
make "1st first :pf_list
make "p_list first :1st
make "f_list my_sort last :1st
make "p1 first :p_list
make "p2 last :p_list
if empty? :f_list[op fput :1st modify_pf_list bf :pf_list]
make "p_list fput :p1 lput :p2 modify_item :f_list
;show :p_list stop
(op se pf_extend :p_list :f_list modify_pf_list bf :pf_list)
to my_remove :i :list#
if empty? :list#[op[]]
if :i==first :list#[op bf :list#]
op fput first :list# my_remove :i bf :list#
to my_shuffle :list#
if empty? :list#[op[]]
local "i i=pick :list#
op fput :i my_shuffle my_remove :i :list#
to my_sort :list#
if empty? :list#[op[]]
if empty? bf :list#[op :list#]
op h_sort first :list# my_sort bf :list#
to new_list
make "shuff pick_list modulus [1 2 4 3] ;iseq 1 3
show :shuff
to pf_extend :p_list :f_list
if empty? bf :p_list[op[]]
(op fput list (list first :p_list first bf :p_list)
(list first :f_list)
pf_extend bf :p_list :f_list)
to pick_list :n :list#
if :n==0[op[]]
op fput pick :list# pick_list :n-1 :list#
to plot :f_list [k 0]
if empty? :f_list[op[]]
lt item 1+remainder :k 2 :ang_list
fd 30*first :f_list
op fput pos (plot bf :f_list k+1 )
to plot1 :p_list
if empty? :p_list [stop]
if empty? bf :p_list [stop]
segment first :p_list first bf :p_list
;setpos first :p_list
plot1 bf :p_list
to segment :p1 :p2
local "d
t1=newturtle t2=newturtle
setturtle t1 ht pu setpos :p1
seth towards :p2
make "d distance :p2
setturtle t2 ht pu setpos :p1
seth towards :p2
setpensize [1 1] setpc 1
pu lt 90 fd ifelse 1==remainder :p_size 2[:p_size/2][:p_size/2]
rt 90 pd fd :d pu
rt 90 fd :p_size ;ifelse 1==remainder :p_size 2[:p_size/1][:p_size] ;1.5 1
rt 90 pd fd :d pu
setturtle t1
setpensize list :p_size :p_size
setpc 4 pd fd :d pu
to solve :pr1 :pr2
local[p1 p1 p3 p4 x1 y1
x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4
f1 f2 p0 p delta]
make "p1 first :pr1
make "p2 last :pr1
make "p3 first :pr2
make "p4 last :pr2
make "x1 first :p1
make "y1 last :p1
make "x2 first :p2
make "y2 last :p2
make "x3 first :p3
make "y3 last :p3
make "x4 first :p4
make "y4 last :p4
make "f1 0 make "p0 [] make "p []
make "f2 0 make "delta (:x2 - :x1) * (:y3 - :y4) - (:y2 - :y1) * (:x3 - :x4)
if 0.001 > abs :delta [op []]
make "f1 ((:x3 - :x1) * (:y3 - :y4) - (:y3 - :y1) * (:x3 - :x4)) / :delta
make "f2 ((:x2 - :x1) * (:y3 - :y1) - (:y2 - :y1) * (:x3 - :x1)) / :delta
op list :f1 :f2
to subst :f :k :pf_pr_list
if :k>count :pf_pr_list[op "ERROR]
(if :k==1
[local "1st make "1st first :pf_pr_list
(op fput list first :1st fput :f last :1st
bf :pf_pr_list)
op fput first :pf_pr_list subst :f :k-1 bf :pf_pr_list
to trim_p_list :p_list
if empty? :p_list[op[]]
if equal? :start_pos first :p_list[op (list first :p_list)]
op fput first :p_list trim_p_list bf :p_list
to weave
pu cs home
;make "pf_pr_list
h_weave 1 modify_pf_list make_pf_pr_list make_p_pr_list :seg_list