aUCBLogo Demos and Tests / shuttle
; This is a MSWLogo 3D example where I have written a simple ".3DV"
; file viewer. 3DV is a simple public domain format for 3D Vectors.
; Do not confuse how this "Shuttle" database was built.
; The vectors were not built with MSWLogo (although they could be).
; Do not confuse how you "normally" build 3D objects in MSWLogo.
; You normally build 3D object just like you always built them
; in 2D, by moving the turtle around.
; This example was just done for a completeness test. The data is
; absolute and uses SETXYZ for all drawing. No turtle.
; It's a good example of how to use file and Array operations.
; It's also an example of seeing how I took "foreign" data from the
; internet and used it in logo. There is TONS of "data" out their.
; Mars weather statistics, continental drift statistics, etc. that
; can be used for all sorts of projects. (George Mills)
; I`ve added the 3DV_display_solid procedure (Andreas Micheler).
be shuttle
local [start finish command vertex]
; setEye {400 400 600}{0 0 0}{0 1 0}
3DV_load "shuttle.3dv &command &vertex ; Load Shuttle Vectors
pr [ESC stops, + - changes speed]
start=timefine ; Time and Display Shuttle
setMaterialSpecular HSB 70 0.5 0.5
setMaterialShininess 10
setLightSpotExponent 2
setPenColor 7
setScreenColor 0
; 3DV_display_wireframe command vertex
3DV_display_solid command vertex
show (sentence count command "3D "Commands "in finish "seconds)
; It takes about 90 seconds on a PII 300
be 3DV_load file &command &vertex
openRead file ; Open Vectors Commands
setReader file
vertices=first readList ; Get # of vertices (1st record of file)
vertex=(array vertices 1) ; Now build a "Vertex" array based on # of vertices
repeat vertices
[ ; Now read in each "Vertex". Format [X Y Z]
vertex.repcount=readList/50+[0 0 200]
commands=first readList ; Get # of "commands" (comes after all vertices)
command=(array commands 1) ; Now build a "Command" array based on # of commands
repeat commands
[ ; Now read in each "Command". Format [Vertex_Index Color]
setReader [] ; Done
close file
be 3DV_display_wireframe command vertex
local [vtx cmd]
repeat count command
cmd=command.repcount ; Get a command.
; Format [VertexIndex Color] Color = 0 means "Move"
vtx=vertex.(first cmd) ; Get the vertex. Format [X Y Z]
ifelse (last cmd) == 0
[ pu ; If color 0 then Move
][ pd ; else Draw (I'm ingoring the color, not RGB Yuck)
setPosXYZ vtx ; Move or draw to the vertex
be 3DV_display_solid command vertex
local [points cmd commands vertices]
commands=count command
vertices=count vertex
setPenSize [2 2]
repeat commands
[ cmd=int command.repcount ; Get a command.
; Format [VertexIndex Color] Color = 0 means "Move"
vtx=vertex.(first cmd) ; Get the vertex. Format [X Y Z]
if (last cmd) == 0
[ ; If color = 0 ...
ifelse (count points) == 0
[ ; ..and no points then just move
setPosXYZ vtx
][ if (count points) == 2
[ ; ...and 2 points then connect them
setPosXYZ first points
pd setPosXYZ last points pu
if (count points) > 2
[ ; ...and 3 or more points then
repeat (count points)-1
[ ; connect them...
setPosXYZ points.repcount
pd setPosXYZ points.(repcount+1) pu
;setPosXYZ first points
;setPosXYZ last points
while [not empty? points]
[ normal=cross points.1-points.2 points.2-points.3
if (Norm normal) > 1e-1
[ break
points=bf points
PolyStart ; and make a polygon out of them.
foreach points
[ setPosXYZ ?
points=[] ; finally clear the old points
queue "points vtx ; add the new vertex to the points list