aUCBLogo Demos and Tests / penmodes
to hash :size
penup fd :size/3
pendown rt 90 fd :size
penup lt 90 fd :size/3
pendown lt 90 fd :size
penup rt 90 fd :size/3 rt 90 fd :size/3
pendown rt 90 fd :size
penup lt 90 fd :size/3
pendown lt 90 fd :size
penup lt 90 fd 2*:size/3
lt 90 fd :size
rt 180
to penmodes
repeat 10
[ penpaint setpc 0 repeat 5 [hash 50 fd 100 rt 72]
updateGraph waitms 200
penerase repeat 5 [hash 50 fd 100 rt 72]
updateGraph waitms 200